
Vocabulary Development Resources

Students depend on a base of vocabulary to comprehend increasingly difficult content. And students must maintain a solid foundation of content vocabulary to communicate mathematically with others. Vocabulary is only learned through multiple exposures. Here are my top three resources for vocabulary development in the math classroom...


Robert Marzano and Debra Pickering (2010) have completed extensive research regarding a six-step process for learning and acquiring new vocabulary terms in their book, Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual.
  • The teacher provides a description of the term.
  • Students restate the explanation in their own words.
  • Students draw a non-linguistic representation for the term.
  • Students participate in activities that help them add to their knowledge of the term.
  • Students discuss the term with one another in small groups.
  • Students play with the vocabulary term in games 


Ben Taylor incorporates cooperative learning and Kagan structures in his book, Vocabulary: Making It Memorable, to expose students to academic vocabulary in a variety of settings.


The Granite School District in Salt Lake City, Utah maintains a wealth of vocabulary building ideas for all grade levels and subject areas.

The MATH-7 team will investigate vocabulary building in their next Genius Hour on January 20.
Stay tuned for more details...