
Leaving a Legacy

Every child deserves a champion...an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.
-Rita Pierson

Hop over to the TLAP tab to watch an 8-minute TED Talk of Rita Pierson on Relationships in the schoolhouse.


Recent Updates

The Genius Hour and MATH-8 tabs have been updated with last week's progress with MATH-8 Classroom Practices and Modeling Functions. Be sure to browse the following updates to additional pages on the blog:

Achieve the Core on CCSS
Hop over to the CCSS tab and scroll to the bottom to download grade level math focus summaries.

Buzz Math iPad App
Select the iPad Apps tab to review the Buzz Math app that contains middle school math practice.

#fjhsmath Twitter Update
Scroll down on the right sidebar of this homepage to stay updated on Twitter. This log includes each post labeled with the #fjhsmath hashtag.

ETA (11.13.13):
And now as you browse the blog the Common Core State Standards are easily accessible. Look to the right of the right sidebar for the gray "Common Core App" tab. Click on the gray tab to open and close the Mastery Connect app. If you are browsing from a tablet, you will be prompted to download the app for viewing. Caution: This app is absolutely amazing; however, the side notes included in the original document are not included in this application. (For example, Algebra 1 teachers could read HSF-IF.C.7b and think they have a lot of functions to add to their curriculum when really several listed functions are reserved for Algebra 2.)